Marmalade: 3 New Zealand short plays
Directed by Gaye Poole
26 - 28 June 2008
Do You Speak English? by Gary Langford
Using only English this short play convinces us that Gina – fresh faced from Italy – and Mark are mutually unintelligible. A playful exercise in non-verbal (mis)understandings.
Banging Cymbal, Clanging Gong by Jo Randerson
A direct, delicate, funny tale of resistance and forbearance in a world that anaesthetises us from pain and from the pleasure of letting instinct rule the heart.
The Joss Adams Show by Alma De Groen
A young mother is bewildered and adrift in postnatal depression; family and the medical profession are no help. Darkly humorous and absurd, their piece shows the way the media encourages the public to see stories like Joss’s as morbidly sensationalised entertainment.
Creative Team
Director: Gaye Poole
Lighting: Alec Forbes
Sound: Charlie Joramo
Do you Speak English?
Mark: Scot Hall
Gina: Antonia Lema Trevino
Banging Cymbal, Clanging Gong
Arianne Zilberberg
The Joss Adams Show
Joss: Keagan Fransch
Neil: Stuart Dunn
Muriel: Sara Young
Ken: David Lumsden
Doctor: Clive Lamdin
TV interviewer: Scot Hall
Nurse: Antonia Lema Trevino
Marmalade: three short NZ plays Review - Rebecca Harper, Waikato Times