Life Music
(an original Verbatim theatre piece)
Directed by Gaye Poole
24 February - 11 March, 2016
Our Verbatim theatre piece - Life Music - has been created from recorded and filmed interviews, uncovering revelations and fascinating insights into music and its integral role in everyday lives.
We interviewed 27 local music lovers, musicians, performers, music students and music teachers.
The script has been written over successive drafts, involving grouping the material into 'nodes', followed by selection, editing, juxtaposition. While not all the interviewee's words are in the final script, their words that you will hear are not changed; they are retained ‘word for word’:
“Music is your loyalty friend, never gonna leave you alone.”
“When my husband died I spent hours and hours playing my electronic organ - it just seemed to soothe me.”
“Getting on the electric guitar and turning it up to 11 and blasting out some some horrendous kinda riff is far safer than going out getting drunk and getting into a fight.”
Life Music shows how we use music to energise, distract, transcend, understand, romance, mourn, focus, escape and inspire.
Cian Gardner
Nick Hall
Liam Hinton
Calum Hughes
Clive Lamdin
Missy Mooney
Kelly Petersen
Sara Young
Production Team
Director: Gaye Poole
Interviewers: Cian Gardner, Calum Hughes, Missy Mooney, Vincent Owen, Kelly Petersen, Gaye Poole.
Writers: Gaye Poole, Missy Mooney, Kelly Petersen, Calum Hughes.
Marketing: Vincent Owen, Gaye Poole, Brendan Theodore
Graphic design: Vincent Owen
Musical musings make for thought-provoking theatre - Mike Mather, Waikato Times
Nuanced truth with style - Jan-Maree Franicevic, Theatreview