Choices Staged Readings
The Marrying of Ann Leete by Harley Granville-Barker
Just to Get Married by Cicely Hamilton
Time and the Conways by J.B. Priestley
15 May - 13 June, 2018
The Marrying of Ann Leete by Harley Granville-Barker
Cast: Julianne Boyle, Eden Chappell, Nick Hall, Liam Hinton, Mark Houlahan, Stan Jones, Jack Knowles, Clive Lamdin, David Lumsden, Conor Maxwell, Missy Mooney, Owen Mooney, Richard Perrott, Kelly Petersen, Eddie Potter, Fiona Sneyd, Nicolas Wells, Sara Young.
Directed by Gaye Poole.
Actor, director and writer Harley Granville-Barker is one of the giants of 20th century British theatre and wrote this, his first play, in 1899 aged 22. Produced by the RSC in 1975 and then by Orange Tree Theatre, London, in 2004, this is a rare chance to see this intriguing and significant play.
Carnaby Leete, a devious politician with a career in trouble, having married off one daughter to further his political ambitions, is now set to do the same with daughter number two. But Ann, standing on the threshold of the new century, looks at her sister, on the verge of divorce, and at her brother, who is regarded as having married beneath him, and decides to challenge the world she sees around her.
Just to Get Married by Cicely Hamilton
Cast: Kendra Boyle, Megan Goldsman, Clive Lamdin, David Lumsden, Andrew Lyall, Kirstine Moffat, David Simes, Fiona Sneyd, Zoe Vaile, Christina Wilson.
Directed by Gaye Poole.
Cicely Hamilton (1872-1952) was a writer and campaigner for women's rights. Hamilton's passions were suffrage and the theatre. Just to Get Married (1911) explores the duplicitous behaviour of women desperate to get married. Georgiana Vicary's family and circle are waiting for shy Adam Lankester to propose and end her shame of being unmarried. Her conscience and honesty do not make her life with her fiancé easy.
Time and the Conways by J.B. Priestley
Cast: Eden Chappell, Mandy Faulkner, Philip Garrity, Tara Given, Megan Goldsman, Nick Hall, Missy Mooney, Tycho Smith, Christina Wilson.
Directed by Gaye Poole.
In 1919 Britain, Mrs. Conway is full of optimism during her daughter’s lavish twenty-first birthday celebration. The Great War is over, wealth is in the air, and the family’s dreams bubble over like champagne. Nineteen years later, though, the Conways’ lives have transformed unimaginably.
This 1937 time-jumping play by J.B. Priestley (An Inspector Calls) takes place at the crossroads of today and tomorrow—challenging our notions of choice, chance and destiny.